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Some thoughts from the legendary Emmanuel Moreno, z"l

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

15th anniversary memorial services for soldiers and civilians killed in the Second Lebanon War have been held in recent days. Today the last of these will take place. It will honor the memory of legendary Lietutenant Colonel Emmanuel Moreno, who was killed at the close of the war. Moreno, a lead officer in Sayeret Matkal, Israel's most elite special forces unit, participated in 165 undercover missions, some of them so delicate that publication of his picture is forbidden until today. But we are allowed to publish his thoughts and here are several of them that his widow Maya Ohana-Moreno previously sent me with her own explanatory comments:

"Whatever does not take you forward will automatically take you backward." These words guided Emmanuel in everything he did - whether in the military, in Torah study, in his profession and, above all, in constant improvement and refinement of his character traits.

"God is constantly creating tools for positivity." Everything that happens to us in life happens in order to make us better, to increase our positive influence, and to make us do more good.

"A tzadik will fall seven times but rise each time... The challenge for our generation is not 'not to fall,' but to know that when you fall you rise." The word "despair" was not in Emmanul's vocabulary. Every fall, he said, is a springboard for an ascent.

"Don't make yourself into a big deal." Don't put yourself at the center, don't think that the story is all about you. There are bigger things than you. Do not allow yourself to despair over personal difficulties because the missions before you take precedence over your personal life.



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