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The time is short and the love is great

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

Summer vacation is almost here. Ruhama Vogel, principal of the Amit Ori High School in Ma'ale Adumim, wrote this week to her school community regarding the next two months. She dedicated her message to the memory of Ella Or z"l, a former student at the school who perished in a flash flood at Nahal Tzafit several years ago:

"The most precious resource in life, in which we all have an equal share, is time: A day in the life of Elon Musk, the richest person in the world, and a day in the life of the last of the beggars searching for food in the garbage, each lasts exactly 24 hours. Each minute is the same for everyone.

The most important question in life is how do we manage time, particularly the two months of vacation. It is customary to say: 'The time is short and the task is great.' (Pirkei Avot 2:15). Ella Or z"l gave this message her own twist: 'The time is short and the love is great.'

Try to spend your vacation with this message of hers in mind. To transform these two months into days of love. Love for family - by strengthening your connection with parents and siblings, with grandpa and grandma. Love for society - through volunteering and helping others. Love for the Land of Israel - in taking trips throughout the country. Love for Torah - through studying out of desire, and not because of exams.

Apparently, this was what she knew in her subconscious mind, that her time was short. She would have celebrated her 22nd birthday this month. If only we can learn from her to truly live with the awareness that time is short, and that the love is great.

Take care of yourselves, Ruhama".


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