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Simchat Torah!

שמחת תורה
תמונה: קהילת ראש יהודי

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

From this evening (Sunday) until tomorrow night (Monday) Simchat Torah is observed in Israel. Outside of Israel, Monday is Shemini Atzeret and Tuesday is Simchat Torah.
Simchat Torah is the last holiday of Tishrei. With prayers, dancing, and hakafot (circling the bimah while holding the Torah scrolls), the yearly cycle of reading the entire Torah is completed.
What is the essence of this day? What is the reason for such joy? The Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Alter said this: "Someone watching from the outside would think we are happy because we just finished reading the Torah, but the truth is we are happy because we immediately start reading it all over again, from the beginning."
Chag sameach!



נשים מתכוננות יחד לשנה החדשה

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