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Leah's innovation: Giving thanks to God

שמחה גריידינגר מברך את החתן והכלה בשמחת שבע ברכות

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

Tonight while in the midst of a family sheva berachot simcha, I heard the following from the bride's grandfather, Simcha Gredinger.
"In this week's Torah portion, we receive our name: Yehudim. The parasha relates how Leah gives the name Yehudah to her fourth son. And why Yehudah? Because she is thankful. (In Hebrew, Yehudah is a form of the word 'todah' or thanks.) As Leah says after Yehudah is born: ”This time I will thank the Lord.”
It's written in the Talmud that since the creation of the universe there was never anyone who thanked God until Leah came along.
Our sages explain that Leah teaches us not only to give thanks for one-time miracles such as the splitting of the Red Sea, but also to be grateful for the routine pleasures of life that we experience every day.
And then the advice that this grandfather gave to the young couple, Aharon and Ruti Meir, is advice that could benefit us all -- to always be full of gratitude since, after all, being a Yehudi, a Jew, literally means to be thankful. To be grateful for everything, to praise God, to acknowledge the many blessings we enjoy, as well as the goodness and kindness of others, and to take nothing for granted.
Mazal tov.


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