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In the memory of Rina and Maia

האחים שנרצחו בפיגועים האחרונים

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

If it hadn't been for a terrorist attack, we would not have known about them. Two sisters, 16-year old Rina and 20-year-old Maia Dee, were murdered on Friday in the Jordan Valley. Suddenly the full story of their lives was revealed, reminding us once again of the many anonymous heroes who live among us. The Dee family made aliyah from England and husband, wife, and daughters were all active in doing good deeds -- from teaching Torah to social work to volunteer national service to youth group leadership. They left their mark throughout the country -- in Gush Etzion, Yeruham, and Lod.

The feeling upon hearing of their murders was reminiscent of what was felt after the murders of the Paley brothers, 6 and 8, and the Yaniv brothers, 19 and 21. The word "brothers" was emphasized not only since brothers or siblings were victims but as a reminder that all of us are brothers so that when anyone's life is taken from us, their loss is equivalent to that of a brother.

So what is there to do? Our commentators say that the word "Pesach" consists of two words: "pe" (mouth) and "sach" (speaks). This is a holiday when we are obligated to speak while reading the Haggadah out loud, asking four questions, and engaging in lively conversation around the Seder table. Our speech at the Seder, invariably upbeat and full of joy, is meant to rectify any inappropriate speech that may have come out of our mouths during the year. Our speech now is focused on praising Rina and Maia and declaring that their memory should serve as a blessing for us all.

Condolences to the family. May the sisters' mother, Leah bat Tizporah, have a speedy recovery, and may all of us enjoy only good news now and in the future.


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