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How checking the kashrut of chewing gum helped him find a partner for life‏‏

הרב ג'ונתן מורגנשטרן ומשפחתו

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

I have a lot to say about the wonderful Shabbat we spent with Young Israel of Scarsdale, New York. This community is led by Rabbi Jonathan Morgenstern who, between various lectures and other gatherings during our stay, told me the following story:
"On my Bar Mitzvah I made a promise to myself: I would only eat food that was labeled kosher. Where I lived at that time, it was difficult to abide by such a promise, but I was strict in adhering to it for years.
One day I went to a basketball game between two large Jewish high schools in New York. A girl sitting next to me offered me some chewing gum. I asked if I could see the package. I turned it over again and again looking for kosher certification but could not find any.
I gave her back the gum, she stopped watching the game, and asked in astonishment: 'What's your problem?' I gently answered that I try not to eat anything without kosher certification. She did not exactly understand, but this aroused her curiosity, impressed her, and she began to ask me all kinds of questions."
And then the rabbi introduced me to that girl, his wife Jordana. Today they are not only parents but young grandparents as well.
I asked permission to tell this story and Rabbi Morgenstern agreed, adding: "This story is not about the gum, but about what it represents. We are now reading about the nation of Israel in Egypt and about the challenge of retaining their identity within a foreign culture. Ultimately, this is the challenge that all of us face. To what extent are we swept up by the values and practices of the world around us, and how do we stay true to the values and practices that make us distinct? Yes, I did lose the chance to chew gum that day, but I found my better half in the process."


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