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How are you?

הרב יורם אליהו

During these days, do you also not know what to answer when someone asks, “How are you?”
Do you also not know if or how you should ask this question?

We were just hosted at a Shabbat event for grieving families who lost loved ones during the current war that began on October 7th. The Menucha and Yeshua Charity Fund organized the event in Jerusalem for the heroic families of our fallen heroes.

In the course of this inspiring Shabbat, I was told how Rabbi Yoram Eliyahu answers the “How are you?” question. His son Yedidya Eliyahu, z”l, fell in Gaza.

Whoever asks him “How are you?” receives the following answer: “Learning. We are learning.”

In my view, this answer is most profound. It’s about being broken and shaken, yet accepting the challenge of life as it goes on. It’s about learning how to digest and cope with what happened and the obligation to see what all of this can teach us.

May we hear only good news.


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