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צילום: פלאש90

The month of Nissan is already here. Here's a letter I received from Captain Aviad Chazani:

"This morning, at the bus stop I heard two older women talking about how there's nothing to eat on Passover. Yesterday, a friend muttered something my way about matzot and stomach pains. And over the last few days, I have come across dozens of posts about Passover-cleaning suffering. Dear friends, Passover is being stolen from us! Passover is the most revolutionary holiday in human history: slaves dared to challenge the world's greatest superpower and to attain their freedom through mindboggling miracles and through a historic show of heroism and national pride. Passover is a holiday of faith in human potential. Passover is about taking bruised and wounded slaves and whispering in their ears that they aren't just numbers. They have dreams, feelings, and strengths. And most importantly- a destiny. A personal, God-given life purpose. On Passover, tell your children about previous generations and educate them to the true belief that they have the ability to follow in their courageous ancestors' footsteps. Passover is the holiday of a nation's great struggle, and of our readiness for the long haul, for a personal investigation (cleaning-out?) of our innermost depths. Passover is a holiday of simplicity: Flour+water+oven and knowing how to enjoy the simple, unsophisticated things in life. Think about Passover. Live Passover. Don't allow shallow supermarket-line conversations to steal it from you. Most of the things people suffer from are related to their decision to take on extra home projects and cleaning. The laws of Passover cleaning are simple and not threatening and are meant to be accompanied by an inner process of spiritual work.
This year, let's not miss the point of Pesach. Let's not steal Pesach from ourselves!".

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