Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
Happy Purim from Jerusalem! Today is Shushan Purim, named for the fact that the fighting in Shushan, a walled city, lasted a day longer than elsewhere and so Jerusalem, also a walled city (from the time of Yehoshua Bin Nun), celebrates Purim a day later than everywhere else.
1. Rav Kook writes how significant it is to remember that Jerusalem's special status as an ancient walled city means its observance of Purim has a date -- the 15th of Adar -- all to itself. A city of such stature cannot be kept in subjugation. The fact that today those of us who live in Jerusalem celebrate Purim a day later than everyone else teaches us something about ourselves and about the unique status of the city we call home.
2. I read in the book "Seridei Eish" that there are mitzvot observed on Purim that we should take with us and repeat throughout the year - matanot l'evyonim (gifts for the poor) and mishloach manot (sending portions of food and drink to friends and others). These mitzvot are a cry to pay attention to those in need and to preserve social and communal ties. We should not regard this giving as a once-a-year phenomenon, but as a way of life.
3. And what about our attitude once Purim is over? Is our joyfulness over too? In the Talmud we are told: "When Adar enters, our joy increases." Yet if at the beginning of this month our joy increases, it does not need to decrease when Purim is over. On the contrary, our joy is meant to continue for the rest of this month and beyond.
From Jerusalem to the rest of the world: May everyone experience an abundance of joy.