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The Chuppah of Ori Ansbacher HY"D

Yesterday was the first wedding ceremony held underneath the wedding canopy created in memory of Ori Ansbacher. Immediately after she was murdered in the woods by Ein Yael in Jerusalem, Batsheva Sadan requested for women to send her embroidered squares that they had created in Ori's memory. Over 5,000 (!) women from all around the world created embroidered squares, which Batsheva transformed into an artistic chuppah. Many of those squares were created from fabric that was very significant to those who sent them: from the IDF uniform of a son, from childhood dolls, from treasured keepsakes. Creating this chuppah reminded Batsheva of the women's work in the Tabernacle in the desert. Also back then, sewing was a spiritual pursuit, women joining together to create something holy. Last night, Nadav and Na'ama were married underneath Ori's chuppah, which from now on will accompany couples on their way to establishing new Jewish homes.

Rabbi Eli Adler said:

"This is our response to the brutal murder - to build more homes in Israel, with holiness and joy and gentleness. Earlier, I looked at the words of a poem written by Ori HY"D about a 'world of peace.' But earlier in that same poem, Ori asks us to: "Make peace within you." Before you make world peace, you need first to make inner peace. Within our souls, with those around us, and between husband and wife. This is what we need to be working on. World peace begins here, with what is taking place this moment underneath Ori's chuppah."

Mazal tov

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