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Corona Slichot

סליחות הלילה בירושלים, צילום: ידידיה מאיר
Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
Last night Ashkenazim joined Sephardim in reciting Slichot (special Elul prayers as we approach Rosh Hashana). It's not always easy to connect to the ancient words, but this year it is very easy, unfortunately. This is the prayer that Rav Netanel Ofek from MIgdal Ha'Emek composed for this moment:
When one day we will remember the corona Slichot we recited,
somewhere in Elul, 5780, We will remember:
our tears when we reached the words "people of faith have vanished,"
our concern for grandpa and grandma in the words "do not cast us aside in old age,"
our request behind our mask that you "do not hide Your face from me,"
our worry when we said "withhold the plague from Your inheritance,"
the complicated, confused, gut-wrenching, painful feeling when we recited with a trembling voice and a broken heart:
"Our Father, our King
be gracious to us and answer us,
for we have no meritorious deeds."
We no longer know anything,
we have no idea where all this is leading,
"deal charitably and redeem us."


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