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Building homes: In memory of Malchia Gross

מלכיה גרוס

* Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

“Shalom Sivan. Yesterday Major General (res.) Malchia Gross was laid to rest. He was 25 years old and lived in the community of Susya in the South Hebron Hills. I knew him and wanted to share something that others have not said much about: his burning desire to build a home and start a family.

He would return from a stint of reserve duty for two or three days and divide his time between his house, his friends, and volunteer work at the organization Zichron Menachem, but he also found time for dating.

Even if he had to go to the other end of the country to meet a date, he would do this with joy, knowing what is most important in life. He simply saw this as his present calling: to build a home and start a family.

Even though it was difficult to keep in touch with a potential shidduch due to his continual army service, Malchia persisted in his quest.

Unfortunately, now he will not have the privilege of building his home. I am writing this at a time when so many homes have been destroyed but, in Malchia’s merit, we should think of what we can do to help others build theirs.

At this difficult time, we tend to forget those who are unmarried and lonely. Call them up, try to set them up with someone you know who might be appropriate. What do you have to lose? If you don’t have any suggestions, you can still pray that they find a lifetime partner.

The following words of the prophet Jeremiah promise that out of destruction a multitude of homes will be built as new families flourish: 'So said the Lord: There shall again be heard in this place, concerning which you say, It is desolate... in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem… the sound of mirth and the sound of joy, the voice of a bridegroom and the voice of a bride.”

May this be in his memory. I know what I’m going to do this week, do you?”


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