Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
Ori Shechter heard the following story from a friend in New York and asked me to publish it:
"An elderly widow understood before Pesach that she would have to hold her Seder alone. One of her neighbors offered to place his Seder table next to the entrance to his apartment and keep the door open in order that she would be able to hear the entire Seder from her apartment. And so it was. She opened her door and heard every word coming from her neighbor's Seder table. During Pesach, her son called and asked how her Seder went. 'Wonderful,' his mother said. 'I felt completely at home. It was interesting how my neighbor conducted his Seder exactly as your father, of blessed memory, conducted it. The same style, the same melodies, the same customs. The melodies brought back wonderful memories.'
'Mother,' her son said. 'Now I understand what your neighbor was up to. He called me a week ago and asked me to record for him all of our family's Seder melodies and provide details of all our customs'".
Just before Pesach, during those hectic days when the coronavirus was wreaking havoc, this is what concerned the neighbor of an elderly lady. Not only to open his door for her, but to have her feel as uplifted as possible during her Seder, despite being alone.