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Be good

שלט הפרסום של אופק אוחיון

Translation Yehoshua Siskin

"Shalom Sivan,

I am Ofek Ohayon from Tiberias. A few days ago I saw a sign with the words "Advertise here." I knew that this was meant for businesses but I called the number on the sign nevertheless. I asked how much it was to advertise and they wanted a commitment of at least three months. I said that would be too expensive for me since I am only nineteen and all I have are the savings from my restaurant job.. So they agreed to display my message for one month at the cost of 1,000 shekels.

The result is a message that everyone sees at a major intersection in Tiberias. It comes from David Yehuda Yitzhak, the soldier who was killed in Jenin. Even without knowing him, I was deeply impressed by his character. The words on the sign, authored by David, are as follows: 'Be good, simply good, without noise or fanfare, without making a big deal out of it, just be good.' I don't know where this idea of mine came from, but when I see the sign my heart skips a beat. Now all that remains to be done is to internalize this message."


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