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An Exceptional Report

וזאת לתעודה

"Shalom, Sivan. The report cards that are being given out this time of year are supposed to give a summary of academic achievements, but the following report card is, in my opinion, a lesson in itself, a lesson of proportions and of what is really important to learn in life: Hodaya bat Ilana in 11th grade at our school (Ulpanat Zviah in Afula), was injured in a car accident during the summer vacation. Her life was in danger, and Baruch HaShem, now she is recovering and making progress. She was absent from school throughout the whole year, and she only made one visit to the school recently, straight from Beit Lewinstein (a rehabilitation center). So what kind of a report card could one give her, if any? This is the report card that she received from her school recently:
A+ in faith
A+ in willpower
A+ in patience
A+ in optimism
A+ in coping with challenges, and so on.
"Her parents too, received an excellent evaluation. 'You cannot force someone to be a hero', her homeroom teacher wrote to her in the report, 'You must choose it everyday anew, and you do.' We do not know whether such a report has ever been given, and we hope that she will receive the end-of-the-year-report with all the other students."


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