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An 11-year-old's message: Gratitude with Sensitivity

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

Who said children are just bored during the corona? 11-year-old Itai Yom Tov from Rishon LeZion began to publish little commentaries on the weekly Torah portion. Here's a sample of his weekly message:

"In the Va'eira Torah portion, the ten plagues begin and the first is the plague of blood. God tells Moshe to tell Aaron to take his staff and strike the Nile River, in order that the water will turn to blood. Why does Moshe tell Aaron to do this? Why didn't God tell Moshe to do this himself? Our sages explain that this was because the Nile protected Moshe when he was a baby floating in a basket. If Moshe would strike the Nile, this would show ingratitude. When we are ungrateful, we hurt ourselves on the inside. Even showing ingratitude to something that's not alive, like the Nile, is an insult that will damage our soul.

And if we are so sensitive about showing gratitude to something that's not alive, how much more should we be caring about showing gratitude to people, especially in the time of the corona. We need to find those who deserve thanks. We children need to make sure we say thank you to parents, teachers, and to everyone else who helps us during the lockdowns. That we should not be ungrateful."


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