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 True Joy at Kibbutz Kerem Shalom

True Joy at Kibbutz Kerem Shalom 

* Translated by Janine Muller Sherr

This story should have made the headlines today because it’s important that we recognize the victory it represents: the children appearing in this photo, along with hundreds of other people, arrived this morning at their kibbutz, Kerem Shalom, for a festive planting ceremony.

It was the dream of Amichai Witzen, a member of the community’s emergency defense team, to plant a vineyard in Kerem Shalom. Amichai fell in battle on October 7 while valiantly defending the moshav against the terrorist onslaught.

Members of the kibbutz are yet to return home, but today they planted 4,400 vines in a new vineyard that will also house a visitor’s center. It will be waiting for them when they come back. Most fittingly, the vineyard will be called Kerem Shalom.

Participants in today’s emotional event included President Herzog, Minister Itshak
Waserlauf, and Benny Gantz. But I would like to quote the words of Amichai’s widow, Talia Witzen, who spoke today:

“Today we are actualizing Amichai’s dream, which has also been the dream of the Jewish people over the generations: to plant roots in our land. We are planting vines in the same earth that absorbed the blood of the holy members of our emergency team.

A well-known verse in Psalms reads: (“Ha’zorim Be’dima Be’rina Yiktzoru”)— “They who sow in tears, shall reap with songs of joy.” We are planting with tears, but we will soon reap with joy. I have discovered over this difficult period that only what is true can bring happiness. I am feeling true joy this morning because we are dedicating ourselves to a momentous project that will leave a lasting impact.”

May you be blessed, Kerem Shalom, with all good things and many occasions of true joy (simcha).

Shabbat Shalom.

Check out this week’s podcast episode in English here:



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