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Today's Akeidat Yitzcha

גיבורי ישראל

This week, as we read the Torah portion about Akeidat Yitzchak (the Binding of Isaac)— a story about total devotion to God and self-sacrifice—we are mourning the loss of more sacrifices: Six soldiers fell yesterday in a fierce battle in Lebanon.

Our sages point out that Abraham’s most difficult trial ends with the angel instructing him: “Do not raise your hand against the boy, or do anything to him.” God does not desire human sacrifice (although our enemies erroneously believe otherwise). We desire life—to sanctify life, and to fight in order to preserve it.

Attached are recordings of two Torah classes which I dedicate to the memory of these six precious Golani soldiers. I invite you to participate in the learning in their memory.

My deepest condolences to their families, to everyone who loved them, and to the entire Jewish people.

In the Rosh Hashanah prayers we recite:  “And may You mercifully remember today the Akeidah of Isaac for the sake of his offspring.”
We are asking God—even today—to remember the Binding of Isaac along with all the sacrifices Jews have made over the generations, and we pray for His mercy.


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