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Strength from Miriam, Strength from Rinat

רינת לוק ושני לוק

* Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

In what frame of mind are you greeting Shabbat? Yesterday, the 10th of Nissan, was the day that Miriam the prophet passed away. It is amazing how much strength she has given to the women of our generation. A few days ago, during an event at Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, Rinat Louk, the aunt of Shani Louk, spoke. Shani was taken captive and to our dismay was made famous through a video of her in the back of a pickup truck surrounded by terrorists. And yet, Rinat Louk, just before Pesach, delivered the following message of hope:

“I feel a connection to Miriam the prophet,” she addressed mothers of the hostages. “This woman is a marvel. Everyone is leaving Egypt in a frenzy, making sure their children don’t get lost, packing up suitcases, supplies, and quickly-baked matzos. Everyone must have had fear in their heart as to what would happen to them.

But what does Miriam do? Her first priority is to take a tambourine with which she will sing and dance when the Red Sea splits. She already knows that everything will turn out fine and her tambourine represents hope for a joyful future. This tambourine is a promise that a moment will come when Miriam and the entire nation will rejoice. This faith characterizes our nation and all of us need it now.”

In the memory of Shani. Shabbat shalom.


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