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Rachel and Ya'akov: inspired by love

קבר רחל

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

Today, the 11th of Cheshvan, is the day Rachel Imeinu passed away. Here's a thought about her inspirational effect on Ya'akov.
The Torah describes how Rachel Imeinu comes with her flock to a well which is covered with a heavy stone. Generally speaking, a combined effort of several shepherds is needed to move it. But what happens when Ya'akov takes one look at Rachel? "When Ya'akov saw Rachel . . . he went up and rolled the stone off the mouth of the well." Suddenly the heavy stone becomes light. Inspired by the sight of Rachel, Ya'akov virtually defies the law of gravity itself.
Afterwards, Ya'akov works seven years in order to marry Rachel, and this period is described in the following beautiful verse: "So Ya'akov worked seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days because of his love for her." Once again we see how love vanquishes an arduous challenge: Seven years pass like a few days. And if previously the law of gravity was defied, now the idea of time is rendered meaningless.
When we have a goal and a purpose into which we can channel our love, when there is someone who deeply inspires us, what may seem like difficult challenges are easily overcome.



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