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Long Life, Full of Appreciation

אבינעם בוכריס

"Shalom, Sivan. This is Ofra, I'm the mother of Avinoam Buchris, an honorary combat soldier who became sick with ALS after his release from service following Post-Trauma. I'm writing to you from Seoul, South Korea. This morning we start a unique medical treatment. It will be here that we will hear the Yitro Portion and the Ten Commandments. We came here for a treatment for prolonging life (הארכה), but in the Portion we receive, in my opinion, a treatment for appreciating life (הערכה). Every verse in the Ten Commandments calls upon us to appreciate what belongs to us. The first commandment speaks about faith in the Creator of the world, and this helps us accept reality and realize that everything is for the best. Later, we hear about the Shabbat, a day that expresses and demonstrates the value of time. Later, respecting our parents - something that shows appreciation for those who brought us to the world, and then the prohibitions of you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not covet - which make us appreciate what we have. Indeed, Avinoam's muscles got weak, but his appreciation for life, as well as our appreciation for life, has gotten stronger and stronger. The Ten Commandments are part of the right treatment as of how to live our lives without looking to the sides, without wanting that which is not ours, but rather, looking at what we have and saying thank you, so that we will live a long life, full of appreciation. I'll conclude with a prayer to receive good news soon."


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