Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
Perhaps we need to bless "she'hechiyanu, she'kiyamunu, ve'higianu lazman hazeh" (Who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion) with the end of this school year. Isolation, lockdown, capsules, Zoom - all these new words were not in the lesson plan on September 1st. In any event, it seems as though everyone deserves to receive some kind of certificate of appreciation.
Millions of parents who tried to do their best even if they failed and got stressed out, of course, but then tried again. Millions of children and teenagers whose main subjects that they learned this year were flexibility and adaptation, and also solidarity and mutual responsibility. Many thousands of teachers, from kindergarten on up, and administrators (who are parents themselves) exerted themselves, innovated, learned and taught, all while perpetually in motion.
And so many people behind the scenes contributed - secretaries, coordinators, computer guides, remote learning instructors, and others.
This picture was photographed by Rav Avinoam Merek from the Haram Talmud Torah school in Jerusalem. In the month of March we feared much darker and sadder scenarios. And now on the wall of his classroom more than 500 health confirmation slips are hung, signed by the parents. When the kids came back to school, Rav Avinoam requested that each one should hang up his confirmation slip in order that "the walls will say thank you." Instead of a big end of the year party, he sent out this picture: more than 500 thank yous for being able to get up healthy and go to school.
May everyone enjoy a healthy and happy vacation.