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Translated by Yehoshua Siskin

What part of the Haggadah is most relevant to our daily lives now? Here is an answer from Efrem Goldberg, the rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue in southeast Florida:

"The message of the 'Dayenu' (it would have been enough) song is revolutionary: each stage on the road to redemption would have been enough for us and we know how to recognize and be grateful for it. On our journey from slavery to freedom the ability to say 'Dayenu' at every stop along the way is vitally important. In fact, this is what the journey to freedom is all about: I am not only pursuing what I lack but am also thankful for what I have. Too often we are slaves to the pursuit of something 'more'. More money, more possessions, more style. When we just always want more, we don't stop for even a moment to see what we have. The coronavirus has compelled us to define anew what is essential and what is not.

For all of us, this Pesach is far from being perfect. We have lost so many precious souls. So much is lacking from our holiday table this year. Are we only focused on what we lack or do we still have the strength to sing Dayenu?
If the children are waiting expectantly for Pesach and still manage to learn a little despite their schools being closed – Dayenu.
If we have each other but we don't have a new haircut or manicure or new clothes – Dayenu.
If couples are getting married and children are being born even without large celebrations – Dayenu.
If at the end of the day we still make it to the Seder table, even if it's not in a hotel or with the people we longed to be with – Dayenu.
You are invited to add personal items to this list, to look all around you on this holiday and despite everything succeed in singing Dayenu".



נשים מתכוננות יחד לשנה החדשה

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