* Translated by Janine Muller Sherr
Would you like to see prophecies of consolation coming true before your very eyes?
We’ve been reading the haftarot of nechama—consolation–which describe Jerusalem awakening from her slumber and coming back to life; Jews who are distant, both physically and spiritually, coming home again; and the Jewish nation returning to God and to our proper place in the world.
And then I received this moving video with the following note attached:
“Shalom, it’s Rabbi Reuven Taragin from Yeshivat Hakotel. Fifty new students arrived this week! These young men from the U.K., the U.S., and Canada have graduated from high school and instead of going straight to college have chosen to spend a year learning Torah in Jerusalem, even during a time of war.
From my own experience, I know that their study of Torah and encounters with the people and Land of Israel this year will stay with them for the rest of their lives and that many of them will ultimately decide to remain in Israel. Twenty graduates of our program are currently serving in the IDF.
So, for those who are looking for chizuk (encouragement) during these challenging days, here is a short video clip from the reception for these students at the Kotel, in which you can hear them praying for the hostages and for all our brothers and sisters.”
A warm welcome to our brothers! In the end, all of our prophecies of consolation will come true.