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Against the Wind

יציאת מצרים
ציור: מלכות וקסברגר

If you heard that 80% of the public agree on something, would you dare to disagree with them? Would you want to be part of the 20%, of the minority? Every year this reminder appears anew, a moment before the Exodus of Egypt. Rashi writes that only one of every five Jews left Egypt. That is, 80% stayed behind, because they didn't believe in the idea at all, and didn't feel any enthusiasm about this revolutionary good news. This week, Rashi does not only tell us about the going out from slavery to freedom, about the moving, joyful moments which appear later in the Portion, he also places before us a warning sign. Sometimes, believing in Moshe Rabbenu's messages is not-popular. Sometimes the majority tells us a completely different message, which does not connect with Moshe's message at all. When the most dramatic story in our history, the Exodus of Egypt, took place, the majority didn't believe in it at all, at first. Thus writes Rabbi Shmuel Polak: We say that in every generation every person must see themselves as if they themselves left Egypt. That is, in every generation, one must ask oneself: If I were in Egypt, would I have been one of the 80%, or one of the 20%?



נשים מתכוננות יחד לשנה החדשה

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