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A letter to the residents of Tekoa

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

Rabbi Avi Bildstein, the Rabbi of Tekoa, sent a letter to the members of his community after a terrorist attack was thwarted by Yair Maimon right next to the entrance to his home. These are the main points of the letter:

"1. We must certainly thank HaShem and all his faithful emissaries with our most grateful and sincere expression of thanks. Yet already this morning I suggest we find an opportunity to express our thanks in "little things" -- in one little prayer, in one little good need, with one more smile and one more kiss.

2. Let's pay special attention to our children, to the people around us and -- yes, to ourselves. Who needs help? It's courageous to ask for help when we need it. I personally, after an emergency training exercise, felt that I needed support. I turned to the Merkaz Hosen (counseling center) and received treatment (which is free . . .)

3. Finally - a return to our routine. How wonderful is this routine day that we received as a gift. And, after all, a routine is so blessed, so healthy, so healing. Let's embrace it this morning with both arms.

And good morning Israel!"

Here are three simple messages: utter a thank you and a prayer, request help without being embarrassed to talk about it, and return to a blessed routine. These days, it seems to me that they are three messages all of us could take to heart.

May we hear only good news.


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