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5 facts about the life of Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar

קבר ר' חיים בן עטר, ה"אור החיים" הקדוש


Translation by Yehoshua Siskin (

Tonight marks 279 years since the passing of Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar, known as the holy Or Hachaim - Rabbi, leader, commentator, Kabbalist. Here are 5 facts about his life:

1. Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar was born into a family of exiles from Spain in the Moroccan city of Salli. The meaning of the word "attar" is perfume. He perfumed the Jewish world with the fragrance of his Torah.

2. He lived in Morocco during a troubled time of persecutions against Jews. In one of his books he noted the lack of symmetry in his commentaries. Sometimes they were long and sometimes - due to riots interrupting his concentration - they were short.

3. At the age of 43 he left Morocco, traveling by way of Algiers and Italy, to the Land of Israel. He did not make aliyah only for himself, but encouraged those around him to do the same. He arrived at the port of Akko with a group of 30 student disciples and their families and soon settled in Jerusalem where he established a yeshiva. All elements of Torah were studied in the Yeshiva, from Gemara and Halacha to Kabbalah.

4. He is called "Or Hachaim" after the title of his famous Torah commentary. This commentary was accepted by all Jewish communities. Thus, a Sephardic sage became an esteemed figure in Poland and in Ukraine.

5. Here is an idea found in his commentary on Deuteronomy 26:1: "If people would experience the sweetness and pleasantness of Torah, they would pursue it madly and passionately... because the Torah includes all the good that exists in the world."

In his memory.


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